Monday, October 11, 2010

How Not to Use A Paddle Float

This Youtube video is an excellent reason why paddlers should take lessons before heading off on their own. At least this fellow is trying out his skills in a controlled environment with at least two people on the dock that could assist him if necessary. A paddle float reentry is quite easy when you do it right and there are a number of things that this fellow is not doing right. Come join me for a paddle sometime and we can talk about it and practise before you need it for real.

Edit Update:
So now that we've seen how NOT to do the paddle float entry, let's have a look at doing it in a better way:

For more videos like this, see the Sea Kayaking TV channel on YouTube.


  1. Greatly done if not a real one :-) I'd Paddle float or any other accessory. Anyone who paddles and expects to find him-herself alone on the water should learn how to climb back to his-her kayak with no help. I might speak differently in a few years time when loosing flexibility but this + re entry+ a good pump should be among the 10th commandments...

  2. Mistake #1: the boat is floating away.
    Mistake #2: the pump goes into the cockpit where it can float away if he capsizes again.
    Mistake #3: shaft on front deck.
    Mistake #4: high body.
    Mistake #5 and on.... It just gets humorous as everything starts floating away.

    He's the poster child for taking a lesson.

  3. The comments of the friends that are filming him are just about as funny as the efforts in the water.
