Boat and Paddle Building

Over the past several years I have documented the building of a 17' cedar-strip Guillemot kayak and a 11' skin-on-frame Yost Sea Flea kid's kayak, plus a couple of paddles.

To find all of the boatbuilding posts, use the "boatbuilding" tag.  To find all of the blog postings about the Guillemot kayak, use the "guillemot" tag.  To find all of the posts relating to building the Sea Flea, use the "kid kayak" tag. You can also use the search function (see the top of this page) or browse by date (see the dates on the right hand side).

Boatbuilding Links
Companies that Sell Plans & Kits:

Canoe & Kayak Building Forums (Sources of Friendly Advice):

Blogs & Personal Websites That Feature Canoe & Kayak Building: