I have a strong negative opinion about the current governing political party. Here are a few of my top reasons:
- Gutting of the sciences (AAFC, NRC, EC, etc.) and muzzling scientists is high on my list.
- Lack of environmental stewardship and leadership.
- Cronyism and corruption.
- Turning our prisons and treatment centres into warehouses of criminals and diminishing treatment.
- Removal of the Navigable Waters Protection Act (in a budget bill, no less).
- Cuts to Parks Canada.
- The treatment of anyone who expresses environmental concern as a terrorist.
- Abuse of our parliamentary system, from proroguing Parliament to giant omnibus bills.
- A general refusal to speak with or answer to the media, a media that is a venue for communication with the people who Harper is supposed to answer to, us.
- The general degradation of what I love about being Canadian, I feel this country has become more mean spirited and taken a general turn for the worse over the last decade.
Regardless of whether you agree with me or disagree, please
vote on October 19th. Your vote matters!